From Mimics to Models to Megaphones
(From 1 Thess. 1:5-10) (By Kerry S. Doyal)
From mimics to models to megaphones,
Is a journey God wants us to make.
From copying other believers,To role modeling as the gospel we take
As children learn by imitating, So too we all begin
Our walk of faith in Jesus By copying copiers of Him
As we watch and learn and imitate And walk as they have walked
The lessons that they teach us Are more often caught than talked
Then as we grow we model The life we've learned to live
We move from merely taking To those who seek to give
Examples and role models Is what we all become.
Do we model wisdom? Or habits that are dumb?
Purposefully displaying Traits that others should grow
Seeking to mark for them A way that they can go
And then the final step is To actively declare
The life and love God offers To people everywhere
So those still young and starting In their walk with God
Should carefully pick their patterns Lest they turn out odd
Those with more advancement In their life in God
Should seek to leave a path That is safe for others to trod
And yet a good example Is not enough to spread
The message of salvation To those whose hope is dead
The message must ring out from Believers far and wide
So others can serve Jesus And not just foolish pride
Who are you imitating? Who are you trying to lead?
To whom will you share Jesus So they on Him feed
So let's pick our heroes carefully Then for others blaze a trail
Then boldly spread the gospel Make your life a "Show and Tell."