Entering This New Year
(By Honoria A. Groves)
I enter this year without burdens
Freed from a mountain of care
For last night I gave them to JESUS
Who PROMISED my burdens to bear!
This year will not be without problems
There may be many to face
BUT I can approach them with courage
SUSTAINED by God's marvelous GRACE!
I enter this New Year with gladness
For JESUS restored my JOY
He filled me with PEACE and ASSURANCE
That satan CANNOT destroy!
I left the old year in repentance
For living a life of defeat
Leaving my fear and my failures
At my Heavenly Father's feet!
I enter this year with a purpose
To minister Christian LOVE
To needy souls ALL around me
And lift them to God above!
Now with eager anticipation
With FAITH instead of fear
I will enter this New Year!!!